Gain Food Freedom from Past Diet Habits by Applying This School Teacher Technique Today

Your Mother’s Diet

 Achieve Weight Balance Success With Healthy Eating

First Posted July 28, 2008
By Kathleen Fuller, 

You know how you have cravings for chocolate? It is hard to imagine but there are millions of moms that stop their daughters from eating certain fattening foods. Or millions of moms that don‘t seem to notice that their daughters are overeating. Maybe these moms are stuck in certain diet habits and unaware of weight balance success through healthy eating.

Here is the first secret answer to gain weight balance success with healthy eating diet habits.

Now after my 17 years of private practice in psychotherapy & hypnotherapy, and specializing in Eating Disorders I am going to reveal the First Secret to Overcoming Your Mother’s Diet that women can use to gain food freedom from the inside out.

If you want more food freedom from past diet habits this is the technique for you.

Remember when Johnnie had to write “I will not hit in Class.”? Well let’s turn this into a very positive and effective technique because the subconscious eliminates the not and hears, “I will hit in class.”

So by teaching you to write positively, research shows, you can change your life in twenty-one days. This means you can have more freedom from your mother’s diet habits and enjoy weight balance success through healthy eating in as little as twenty-one days.

This technique is called The ” School Teacher Technique” and here is how you do it:

Write fifteen times a day for twenty-one days, “I love and accept myself and I can easily change.” That’s it and it is so pure and simple.

The operative principle here is say it until it comes true.

It’s a common pitfall for many people to minimize the positive steps they’ve already made or are asked to make, like the above “School Teacher Technique”. You’re not alone if you’re feeling this way.

So often the mind will skim over the small steps and minimize your progress as a way of denying the truth. The good news is you can choose to view this as a positive road sign. You can choose to release the denial and allow yourself the opportunity to be involved, motivated, and bold about your progress.

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Can’t You Do Anything Right? Never Good Enough? Here’s an Inner Child Adventure to Become Free

Ever feel shocked and defeated as if you were shrinking in size at that very moment. Do you feel stunned in certain situations and you don’t seem to know what to do? Maybe you decide to do nothing and yet you may begin to wonder what is wrong? More specifically you may wonder what is wrong with me?

Free yourself from what is blocking you to your success.

The following attempt is to begin to simplify what can be a complicated subject. When beginning inner child work you may feel scared or resistant to change or to a new awareness. This is only natural. Your mind/body prefers the equilibrium of its current comfort zone. In other words your mind/body likes the comfortable routine of being expected to perform under the same conditions every day. Conditions like non-nutritious foods, lack of exercise, or stress in the form of limiting beliefs and behaviors that can oppose the changes you want to make. You may find yourself in a seemly endless struggle of slipping back into the same old tired ways of thinking and behaving, or you are using simple denial to forget about doing new health giving behaviors. There is help for you.

Changing your mind and behavior is a science. Certain immutable laws govern the process of transformation. When you know and apply these immutable laws you can reach your goals with mathematical certainty.
The following is the beginning of the incredible clinically proven techniques you can choose to safely learn by following one step or lesson at a time.
Beginning Steps:

  1.  Make a positive purpose statement such as “on the way to clearing and healing the past limiting beliefs and behaviors from my childhood.”
  2.  Have fun coming up with questions to ask yourself.
  3.  Journal for stress release and coping

Have you ever heard, “Can’t you do anything right?” Or “You’re so stupid.” These statements may ring true in your memories and can cause you anxiety and even depression. By asking the following questions of yourself you can begin to find the answers. Where might you have heard this before? When was this statement embedded into your subconscious?
By tracing the memories backward you may discover similar statements barked at you by unaware parents. Once such statements are said they are quickly forgotten by parents and you too may have forgotten it was ever said. However your subconscious has never forgotten. Furthermore either Dad or Mom probably didn’t want to speak of the outburst again. How could they without understanding their own psychological repressed issues? Except these same hurting, even devastating words pop up from the subconscious of the parents every time they became angry at you for not doing something the way they perceived it to be. In other words “The Right Way.” The Right Way is really their way which is in accord to their ego’s perception.
I call this The Right Way Syndrome. You won’t find it in any text book but it prevails in the way people are driven subconsciously by past forgotten statements. These statements are charged with intense emotion. Parents when you’re little seem like Gods and have unbelievable power to mold us.
You may have other statements that with time you can bring up from your subconscious to process and to eventually let them go. Statements like, “What’s the matter with you?” “You’re never going to amount to much.” Or when you were sharing your most precious gift say of intelligence beyond your years you may have been heard, “Stop being so precocious.” It can go on and on but you can ask the question of yourself. That question would be, “I want to know what self-blocking statements from my childhood have negative power over me?
This is where keeping a journal might come in handy. By initiating a positive habit of writing or blogging  everyday for just 15-20 minutes, you can easily cope with your stress and discover your own blocking thoughts.

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Are You A Slave to Your Way of Thinking? Spiritual Coping Tool for the Mind/Body

If you believe and/or put your attention on what is wrong in your life, you are unfortunate and you are or will be a slave to that habitual negative thinking.
On the other side, look at the extroverted spiritual seeker with his or her five external senses, who will perceive the same world or circumstances as being filled with light and love. But he or she sees and experiences something the average person does not see or experience. He/she observes that this same world and circumstances are transformed into something through which the spiritual flow shines to illuminate one’s senses. Mystics and seekers of God have found that God is in everything.
If so, then what can help you to change your consciousness from focusing on your or the world’s negative troubles to the ecstatic state of consciousness of peace and happiness?
Research finds that long periods of contemplation may tire your mind/body. By contemplation, I use this definition of contemplation which explains it as a spiritual exercise during which your attention is focused upon some specific spiritual principle, thought, idea, and your inner master as you know it. This is different from meditation because the definite principle, or vision gives purpose to focusing your attention, and is active, rather than passive as is meditation.
Here is what you can do. Go to a quiet place like an isolated room, garden, hilltop, or body of water (like the picture of myself by the St. Lucie River). Here is where you can tune into yourself as Soul by deep breathing. Notice unruly thoughts and practice letting them drift away or envision cutting them off at the root.
The life giving part of the air element in this physical world is inhaled. This life giving part is not mainly oxygen, but the spiritual current, which is essential to all activities of the mind/body, as well as you as Soul in these lower worlds.
This is a loving perspective and when you choose to fill yourself up with peace and happiness you change yourself inwardly and you also change the world. The following is a book that explains this principle of changing yourself and that action changes the world around you, using the element of water. By using researched photos of water crystals before and after emotions are expressed or a blessing is said to the water.
The book I recommend is, The True Power of Water by Masaeu Emoto. In his book you will learn of the unique properties of water. “You will learn the effect each of us has on water – not only the water you drink but also the water that makes up 70 percent of each human body and, most importantly what happens to that water as you interact with other humans.”
Another interesting example of energy or vibrational ( defined as a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experienced )work is being done in the area of subtle energy fields. The new term BioField adopted in 1994, by The National Institute of Health is being used to describe this subtle energy that extends out from the body. When the BioField is out of balance, your body is more susceptible to immune deficiencies. Check out this website for more information:

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The Power of Taking One More Step

Lighting the Way to empowermentSometimes the art of taking just one more step can radically change the course of your life for the better -forever. It can be as simple as getting a good night’s rest so you can begin with a new outlook the next day, or as dramatic and life-changing as the following dream.

About ten years ago, I dreamed I survived an enormous hurricane and found myself struggling with the aftermath. Rubble surrounded me and a strange smell hung in the air. I climbed over beams and under roofs. I fell and scratched my knees and legs, and even twisted an ankle. Yet I knew I needed and wanted to keep moving forward. I knew I wanted to survive.

The path soon became steep. I leaned forward and willed my legs to keep walking. I wondered about the prospect of returning home instead of moving forward. “Why am I doing this?” I asked myself. “This is crazy. I could go back.” On I pushed. I felt compelled to keep moving forward, taking just one more step, and then another, through the rubble.

I felt frustrated and hopeless. I was so tired I could barely see where I was going. I had to fight feelings of discouragement. Finally the path opened into a valley nestled between two foothills. I realized I had entered a bowl-shaped crater carved out by the forceful hurricane winds.

The devastation from the hurricane lay strewn around me. I started looking for things I could use to survive. I found a leather tool belt—the kind carpenters wear—and buckled it around my hips. I scanned the surrounding countryside and saw scattered tools and supplies: an ax, a hammer, a pocket utility knife, a plastic jug of water, and some rope.

I gathered the tools and hung them in the leather holders and pockets of the tool belt. Each time I put one into my belt, I felt the power of its possibilities. The events made sense on a profound level. I stood tall with the leather belt supported on my hips, feeling completely safe. I knew I was entering another stage of my journey and felt excited about getting started.

In the dream I opened up to the highest possibilities in a spiritual sense. I knew that whatever I undertook, I would be successful at it with the help and guidance of my Higher Power. I woke up from the dream feeling excited and filled with trust for what life had to offer.

 Notable Dream Keys

  • Notice how you feel when you awaken from a dream.
  • Keep a dream journal, writing not only the elements and analysis of your dreams, but also your mood or emotional state immediately upon awakening. This is often a clue or a key to the hidden wisdom of your dream.
  • Then ask in writing(maybe in a journal) for Your Higher Power to show more clues to the meaning of your dream.
  • Expect answers and keep vigilant in seeking those answers.
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What is Co-Dependency? Why Should You Care?

You can use the following patterns and characteristics as your guide to self-evaluation. Be careful to open up to the possibility that you may have traits that need your attention and transformation.

Do you see an old or young woman? Codependency can be hidden from you too.

Denial Patterns: (Denial is a defense mechanism that most people use to defend themselves against what they do not have to accept about themselves.)
1. Do you have difficulty stating what you are feeling emotionally?
2. Do you minimize, change, deny, regress what you really feel?
3. Do you perceive yourself as completely unselfish and dedicated to helping others?

Self-Esteem Patterns (Low Self-Esteem)
1. Do you have trouble making decisions?
2. Do you believe what you say or do or think is never ‘good enough?’
3. Are you embarrassed to accept compliments, praise, or gifts?
4. Do you have trouble asking for your needs or desires?
5. Do you value other peoples’ opinions, judgments, feelings, and behaviors over your own?
6. Do you view yourself as a lovable and worthy person?

Compliance Behaviors
1. Do you let your values or standards slip to avoid rejection or other peoples’ anger?
2. Are you very sensitive to knowing or hearing what other people feel and you seem to feel, the same?
3. Are you extremely loyal to another even if that person’s behaviors are consistently hurting you?
4. Do you put high value on others opinions, and advice more than your own inner truth, while you often feel afraid or anxious to speak up with a different opinion?
5. Do you minimize or let go of your interests or hobbies in order to do what others or another wants to do?
6. Do you accept sex when you want someone to really love you?

Control Behaviors
1. Do you try to convince other people by giving them advice to do what they should do or think or feel?
2. Do you hold resentments toward others when they don’t listen to your advice or help?
3. Do you freely give advice and directions as to what to do without being asked?
4. Do you give great or lavish gifts and favors to those you care about?
5. Do you believe other people who you want to help, are not capable of taking proper care of themselves?
6. Do you use sex to gain approval, acceptance or perceived love?
7. Do have to feel needed in order to have a relationship with others in your life?

How many traits did you realize you have? Are you willing to begin to change these traits a little at a time? A book I recommend for further study is Co-Dependency No More by Melody Beatty. Plus this blog has many articles that will help your self-esteem.

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“Speak Ups” Verbal Exercises for Your Self Esteem Ask Yourself, “Am I Controlling, or Feeling Controlled or Powerless?”

When you’re feeling hopeless, helpless, powerless, and don’t know consciously how to access your power and leave these feelings behind, it’s often easy to act in controlling ways toward yourself and toward others. In the following example, Jenny discovers that she has a choice in how she responds.
Once during a business meeting, a co-worker asked Jenny to pick up a client at the airport. Inwardly Jenny felt this was a hassle, beneath her job description, and she just didn’t want to do it. Jenny was furious at her friend for asking but found she couldn’t say no, so she agreed to meet the plane. Then Jenny felt hurt, trapped, and hostile. She began to pout by looking down at her notebook and stopped interacting at the meeting.
Situations such as this had happened many times in the past. Usually Jenny would go home and eat, stuffing her anger. However this time, Jenny’s boss confronted her.
“You’re controlling everyone in this room,” she said. “You haven’t said a word, but you’ve had everyone’s attention for the last fifteen minutes. You know it too—you’re smiling.”
Shocked and ashamed, Jenny knew it was true, for she felt like laughing even as she was being confronted about her angry, controlling behavior.
Her boss continued, “If you make the choice to use that energy in a positive, purposeful way, you’d be a powerful being who could accomplish anything.”
Jenny was hit with the truth. Powerful? Angry and controlling? Accomplish anything? She knew she felt like an ashamed little girl and began to wonder about the dynamics of the dichotomy that triggered her urge to laugh.
This was a turning point for Jenny. She gradually became more aware of her behavior and its effect on others, even when she felt powerless and didn’t fully know what she was doing. Deep inside, Jenny knew she was a powerful spiritual being. But she also knew she had bought too heavily into the societal belief that it was more acceptable to be helpless.
That day Jenny learned what it felt like to be on the dark side of control, allowing herself to be controlled, and the flip side of manipulating and controlling others. When Jenny negated her feelings by agreeing to do what she did not want to do, she denied her own truth and undermined her true self, thus lowering her self esteem.
Jenny might have handled the situation differently. She could have asked for support and help from others at the meetingbut she didn’t. It was easier for Jenny to act out of past habits and patterns. Well after the event, Jenny realized she had a choice in how she could respond. The simple truth is this: Jenny could have responded by just saying, “No.”

Saying No and Feeling Good about It

Learn ways to say “No” to what you don’t want in your life so that there’s more room for you to say “Yes” to what you do want.
Some non-assertive verbal samples are apologetic words, veiled meanings, hedging or failing to make a point, rambling, or failing to say what you really want. Some examples of assertive statements are honest statement of feelings, objective words, and using the” I messages.”

Assertiveness Scripts
(1) Disagree with a straightforward statement (“I don’t agree with your understanding of . . .”)
(2) Confront by denying the statement is relevant to the conversation (“That’s not the point.”)
(3) Reword negative labels by framing it in positive words (“I am not being childish; I’m stating my view.”)
(4) Repeat your main point until it is heard without anger
(5) Ask Questions if you’re not comfortable with a point, or ask for clarification (“How do you see me as childish or selfish?”)
(6) State Feelings by using “I” statements that reflect your opinion about the situation (“I really feel this is important!”)
(7) Be Short and Quick by just saying “NO” directly

A word of caution when you first start to speak up you may experience aggressive statements such as loaded words, accusations, descriptive, subjective terms, imperious, superior words, and the use of “you messages.” For example rather than saying, “You make me feel __________,” the speaker says, “I feel _____________when the floor is cluttered with your cloths. No one is to blame for someone’s feelings. You have control over how you feel and with practice you’ll learn others cannot make you feel a certain way. You’ll also learn that by your choices you can feel empowered with better self esteem.

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The Diet Myth

The Diet Myth
Remember when you used to get the newest diet book in your hands, literally hot off the press? Guaranteed, it says. Guaranteed to work or your money back!  “This time it’s going to work,” you think. “I just know it. It says so right here in print. Guaranteed!”

Although you’ve been here many times before, you still think this time is going to be the last. So many feelings are wrapped up in this moment. It’s almost magical. A confluence of emotions race through you as you simultaneously experience the thrill of hope, success, approval, attention, and a feeling of rightness with the world. This time you know deep in your heart that you will do it right.  “I’ll be beautiful,” you think. And then you’re lost in a dream—a diet dream.

This is the basis of the insidious diet myth. We’re led to believe that all our problems will be solved, all our dreams will come true—if only we diet. Even the word diet conjures up seemingly magical wishes and promises. Among these are hopes and dreams of future success about everything from beauty, self-esteem, feeling all right, being a good girl, as well as approval from others. But the diet myth is not magic. It is a lie.

Because it is silently sanctioned by society and tied in with equally misleading myths about being overweight, the diet myth continues to pervade society and is impervious to criticism. The combination of myths about dieting and the causes of overweight weave invisible threads that have the potential to knot up years of your life and wreak a megaton of damage to your health and well-being with time.What’s most frustrating is that one person can’t change these societal beliefs (which are imbued as if they were the truth) for everyone. But one person can change their personal relationship to this propaganda for themselves—largely by seeing the diet myth for what it really is, gaining a truer understanding of its fallibility, and altering their response to it.  For more info-check out the bestselling book- Not Your Mother’s Diet on Amazon.


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Night Eating Syndrome –What to Do?

Could this be you? “Oh, I can’t even think about breakfast in the morning after what I ate all through the night. I feel so ashamed of myself. Maybe I just won’t eat lunch.”

Now it’s dinner time and you’ve come home starving and maybe on your way home you stopped by and picked up some of your favorite fast food. OK? Or maybe you’re cooking a fast dinner and you find yourself eating as you cook. During dinner you eat and eat until you’re so full that your stomach hurts. However, you still have cravings for some (___?____) which are full of high calories. These cravings happen throughout the evening and one or more times during your night. This way of night eating ends up the same way every morning. You wake up and say to yourself, “Oh, I can’t even think about breakfast in the morning after what I ate last night. I feel ashamed of myself. Maybe I just won’t eat lunch. “The wanting to avoid breakfast and even lunch helps keep this vicious cycle continuing.

The typical feeling is shame because you don’t have any control over your food choices. Night eating syndrome is a real disorder and you can get help. If something similar happens to you, you probably have night eating syndrome.
Great Treatment Tips to control or cancel night eating: (one-two percent of the population has night eating syndrome, but the rate is as high as six percent among those who are obese. The emotionally charged eating tends to run in families with addictions according to The American Journal of Psychiatry.)


  •   For hormonal issues, one way to combat night eating syndrome is to administer tryptophan. Tryptophan has a similar effect to carbohydrate consumption; it ultimately results in a raised level of serotonin. This is 5HTP.
  • • 5 HTP has shown to be helpful in reducing the carbohydrate cravings that can be a part of the night eating syndrome and 5-HTP addresses the stress by reducing the body’s need to release the stress hormone cortisol. The food consumed at late hours is often high-calorie, starchy food. Carbohydrates adjust the chemical balance in the brain, increasing serotonin levels. Increased serotonin, in turn, helps the person to sleep. 5HTP can do this without the weight gain and can be ordered here:
  • • Progressive muscle relaxation with affirmative healing statements have been shown to reduce symptoms associated with night eating syndrome
  • • Of course, it is also helpful to address the issues that create stress. This often calls for some form of mental health counseling.
  • • Structured nutritional meal plans are a means of reducing the episodes of dietary restriction and the urges to binge and purge, plus natural weight loss can happen. (See article link at )

1. Adequate nutritional intake can prevent cravings and promote satiety (See article at)
2. Spread your calories out evenly over the day to avoid feeling overly hungry
3. Skipping meals is a trigger for night eating. Make a commitment to change and plan three meals a day.
4. Eat breakfast even if you don’t feel like it
5. Plan a healthy after dinner snack in a pre-portioned package
6. Eat a serving of whole grains with dinner

The following are more practical suggestions to curb night eating:


  1. • Chew XyliChew Gum – Peppermint from a health food store
  2. • Keep your kitchen free of junk food by making a grocery list of wholesome choices and buying them
  3. • Brush your teeth after dinner and after any snack
  4. • Freeze dinner leftovers for lunch or next dinner so you don’t snack on them later
  5. • Find other activities like drawing, knitting, to keep your hands and mind preoccupied or go for a walk

More Information on what is Night Eating Syndrome?

During the nighttime, individuals with night eating syndrome have a decrease in the hormone that accompanies sleep, melatonin. Researchers have found that the drop in melatonin contributes to their sleep disturbances.
Those with night eating syndrome experience the daily cycle of out of control eating with respect to food and calorie intake Understanding this cycle is the first step to being able to plan the gentle changes. According to Stunkard AJ, Grace WJ, Wolf HG: The night-eating syndrome Am J Med 1955; 19:78–86, 33% or more of daily calories are consumed after dinner. The next day the person has no desire to eat much for breakfast. Minimum food intake continues through the day, while depression becomes more pronounced at the end of the day. A significant amount of food is consumed for dinner, but again 33% or more of the food intake occurs after dinner and at one or more times during the night.
Who is at Risk of Developing Night Eating Syndrome?
Night-eating syndrome may occur in 10% of obese people. It is time to seek help.
Are there Specific Triggers for Night Eating Disorder?
Researchers have found that the triggers are:

  •  Body image dissatisfaction
  •  Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Interpersonal stressors
  • Boredom
  • Continual dieting

How is Night Eating Syndrome different from Binge Eating or Bulimia?
Night Eating Syndrome is where you frequently eat small high calorie snacks throughout the night. Individuals with binge eating disorder and/or bulimia consume 3,000 calories or more in one or two hours. The binges are not consistent.

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Healthy Eating & Diet

Dessert as a reward, snacks that wreck your appetite, and other parental nutrition myths.
By Lisa Fields
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD
Are you still following eating habits that your parents taught you decades ago? It’s time to see if that advice stands up to the test of time — or if some of the things your parents taught you about food are your family’s diet myths.
Diet myths are “handed down for generations,” says Kathleen Fuller, PhD, LMHC, author of Not Your Mother’s Diet. “To undo a myth or belief, it takes some practice.”

Here are five outdated ideas about food that you may have learned from your parents — and the grown-up realities.

1. No snacking! You’ll ruin your appetite!

If you heard this when you were a kid, you should know that the thinking about snacking has grown up.  Snacking can be healthy, as long as you choose wisely and don’t wreck your calorie budget.
“It keeps blood sugar stable” and keeps you from getting too hungry between meals, says Debra Waterhouse, MPH, RD, author of Outsmarting the Mother-Daughter Food Trap.
Of course, you can’t just snack with abandon. Those calories count, and you want the biggest nutritional payoff per calorie. So some types of snacks are better options than others.
Update: Try cutting back slightly on meals to allow for one or two daily snacks between 100 and 200 calories. Healthy options include nuts, fruit, yogurt, vegetables with dip, or other low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber options.
“My general rule is going no longer than four hours without eating something, whether a meal or a snack,” says Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

2. Finish everything on your plate.
Did you grow up hearing that at every dinner? Did your parents make you stay at the dinner table until you’d finished everything on your plate? And are you still eating that way today? If so, you may not be heeding your body’s signals that you’re full and that it’s OK to stop eating.
“I’m constantly telling my patients, ‘You don’t have to join the Clean Plate Club,'” Brown-Riggs says. “It’s fine to leave a little food over and not eat mindlessly. Get in tune with your body to know when you’ve had enough.”
Update: Try leaving something on your plate. But more importantly, stay in tune with how you’re feeling. Are you full? Are you eating just because there is still food on your plate? Be particularly careful when you’re eating out — the food is appealing, the plates are huge, and you may want to eat it all because you paid for it. “The Clean Plate Club is usually more of a problem when you’re eating out,” Brown-Riggs says. “If there are large portions, ask for half now and have them box the other half, so you don’t run into trouble.”

3. Don’t eat before exercising — you’ll get a cramp.  You won’t want to go running immediately after dinner, but eating something small and nutritious 30 to 60 minutes before exercising can help you maximize your workout. “[You’ll get] a quick boost of energy that helps you optimize the exercise session,” says Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD, an American Council on Exercise spokeswoman and author of “Eat Your Vegetables!” and Other Mistakes Parents Make: Redefining How to Raise Healthy Eaters.

Update: Choose high-carbohydrate, low-fat, low-fiber snacks with moderate amounts of protein in the 100- to 300-calorie range, such as a glass of chocolate milk, a slice of toast with peanut butter, or a granola bar. Fruit is also fine, although it won’t have much protein. (Add a few nuts for that.)

4. Hurry up!  Did your parents coach you to wolf down your breakfast every morning so you wouldn’t miss the school bus? If you still eat in a hurry, you might miss your body’s cues that you’re full.

“It takes 20 minutes for the brain to register that you feel full,” Brown-Riggs says. “If you eat too quickly, you can scarf down a lot of food in a 20-minute period, and then you feel stuffed.”
Update: Make a conscious effort to slow down. Taking mini-breaks between bites can also help. “Many people don’t put a sandwich down until they’ve eaten the whole thing, but it will slow you down,” Brown-Riggs says. “Also, putting your utensils down between bites should help.”

5. You deserve dessert today!
You may have learned this habit early, if you earned a trip to the ice cream parlor for a good report card.
Or your parents may have promised you dessert as a reward for eating your broccoli or other vegetables. They had good intentions, but this is a bribe that sends a message that vegetables aren’t appealing on their own.
“We never want to use food as a reward; it sends the wrong message,” Brown-Riggs says. “The wires get crossed, and we no longer eat because we’re hungry; we eat because we were good and we deserve something.”
Update: Stop using food as a prize. Instead, reward yourself with a movie, a manicure, or a phone call to a friend. “It takes some work in terms of behavior change, because you may be doing it mindlessly,” Brown-Riggs says. “Soon, you’ll realize that you shouldn’t just eat because you think you deserve something.” Do reward yourself for your achievements — just don’t make food the reward.

If vegetables are your most-dreaded food group, it’s time to take a fresh look at the many options. Find vegetables you like, and look for appetizing ways to prepare them. “Food should not be a punishment,” Brown-Riggs says.  Give some of the vegetables that you couldn’t stand as a kid another chance. For instance, could you roast Brussels sprouts in a little olive oil instead of boiling them? Or stir-fry broccoli? They might taste a lot better than you remember from your childhood.

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10 Question Quiz for Conditioning Your Body Image For Those That Work Out or Want to Self Improve

The 10 Question Quiz for self improvement is for those of you who want to get in shape by addressing your body image through conditioning. It encourages you to approach conditioning in a balanced way. If you want to become fitter then these suggestions are from the pros.
Answer each question in this quiz using your intuition and choose a number from 1 to 10 for each question. Ten being the highest number you can choose. This is done by reading the question and letting the first answer pop into your mind. If you are in the habit of second guessing you are being dishonest with yourself. Many times as women or men too, we have been taught to “be nice” and so we have learned to second guess ourselves and to push our real feelings down to please others. This is one explanation of the origin of self doubt that can rob us of our intuition.

Conditioning to Health

1. ________How’s your commitment level for a better body image?
2. ________What do you really eat?
3. ________Are your nutrients balanced?
4. ________What is your metabolic type for carbohydrate & Protein Balance?
5. ________At what times do you eat?
6. ________Do you do the right kind of exercise for a better body image?
7. ________Have you checked your hormones?
8. ________Checked for food allergies?
9. ________Checked for Gluten Intolerance?
10. ________Checked for Chronic Candida Yeast

Commitment for a better body image- If you are serious about self improvement you’ll say, “I’ll do whatever it takes.” For some you’ll need to build calorie burning muscle by lifting weights. Others will need to add an extra session or two doing something that increases your heart rate using a monitor.
This is the best way to find out what you truly eat every day. Keep a food journal for the week and write everything you put into your mouth. You’ll be surprised.
Are you nutrients balanced? Completely eliminating all carbohydrates isn’t the answer. Most people will benefit from letting go of processed wheat breads, pasta, or gluten high grains. Adding more proteins and natural carbs like brown rice, millet, are a few grains that will by pass any food sensitivity you might have.
The Metabolic Typing Diet (which gives you a test to determine your type) suggests for protein types 30% carbs, 30% fat, 40% proteins. The good quality fats are cold-pressed vegetables, olive oil, or coconut oil for cooking, nuts, avocado, oily fish oils. For Carbo Type, it’s 60% carbohydrates, 15% fats, and 25% protein. The mixed type is 50% carbohydrates & 30% protein with 20% fats.
What times do you eat? So often I hear someone say, “I got used to skipping breakfast so that I could cut down on the calories to lose weight.” For whatever the reason you may have convinced yourself, skipping breakfast backfires in many ways to sabotage your conditioning and body image. In terms of conditioning, even if you eat a low fat, balanced diet, if you eat most of your food in the second half of the day you are unlikely to burn off excess fat deposits. The body is busy digesting the carbs, and proteins and is not going to get to burn the body fat deposits before you eat again the next day.
So it’s not a good idea to reward yourself with treats or dessert after a long day. It is just adding to the fat storage that nature automatically activates for your survival. If you must have an occasional treat do it for breakfast.
Do you do the right kinds of exercise for a better body image? To be an effective conditioner, you need to have your heart rate elevated for certain amount of time, with no breaks. If you are used to an exercise then step up to a couple of hard sessions or weight sessions to get your heart rate up. This increases the metabolic rate.
Have you checked your hormones? Something that directly impacts ones weight and body image is insulin resistance. This insulin resistance condition is where the body has difficulty handling the carbohydrates because the hormone insulin which breaks down these types of foods isn’t working properly. The symptoms of insulin resistance include difficulty losing body fat despite concerted efforts, skin pigmentation, fatigue, bloating, and a family history of diabetes type 2 or infertility.
Why check for food allergies? This is one of the most important points that can lead to poor health, weight gain, and body image problems. The five big offenders are: wheat, dairy, corn, soy, and yeast. The three to add are alcohol, sugar, & caffeine. Many people are suffering from the addictive/allergic response. What this means is a person can be allergic to the foods that they crave, and they have to eat these foods to stay off the withdrawal symptoms. This is a deadly dance of deception.
Why check for Gluten Intolerance? There are four known culprits for your duodenum: gluten, casein, soy, and corn. The gluten comes from the gluten grains: wheat, barley, and rye. Casein comes from cow’s milk products and is mostly absent in goat’s milk. Adhesives are made from these four foods. Powerful, industrial-strength glues are made from gluten, casein, and soy. Corn is also used to make adhesives. The glycoproteins from these foods are clearly very sticky by nature, and it should be easily understood why they adhere to tissues of your duodenum (the first section of the small intestine.)
Why check for Chronic Candida Yeast? This yeast feeds on carbs. and sugars. It can quickly proliferate and in its fungal form it causes fatigue and sugar cravings. When this overgrowth is under control, these sugar cravings decrease and the body can then use up fat deposits for fuel.
So this is your 10 Question Quiz for self improvement in a nut shell. Each of the 10 points is crucial for your body image conditioning and ultimately for your good health. I suggest you take the time to look into each one and your body image and your energy will dramatically improve.

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